Scotland – Austrálie 3:12 (kon.) | xxx – France2 1:12 (kon.) | Italy veterans – Scotland 11:1 (kon.)
Austrálie – Slovakia2 2:12 (kon.) | xxx – Czech Republic2 1:25 (kon.) | Scotland – France2 4:19 (kon.)
Slovakia2 – xxx 20:2 (kon.) | Czech Republic2 – Italy veterans 8:1 (kon.)
3:12 (2:6, 1:6)
Pátek 27.05.2011, 09:00MS v inline hokeji – kategorie Veteráni
    It was maybe a little bit of surprise after what we have seen yesterdy, but Australia played very well today, especially in the offence. The Scots, on the other hand, were slower and not used to playing together, which is problem of every team in the first game of the tournament. (10:28:39)
    The game is over.
    Goal for Team Australia!
    With only 3 seconds to go, BEN JAHNSSEN scores a beautiful goal after a perfect pass by Schuettpelz!
    It looked like a goal scored by Baker but the puck remained underneath Southwell.
    Goal for Team Australia!
    NIK ANTONY scores! He had the opportunity to shoot twice and recorded another goal!
    Another chance for Schuettpelz, but he was to close to Southwell in the end!
    Goal for Team Australia!
    And here it is! JOHN BAKER seemed to be making fun of the Scots skating in circles around the net until he finally got rid of everybody and scored!
    I think it is only a matter of time until we will see Australians netting a tenth goal.
    Goal for Team Australia!
    What he did not managed in power-play came now! MARK SCHUETTPELZ completes his hat-trick!
    What a combination by the Australians but Shuettpelz was not able to score, on the other side went Wilkie alone but missed the net as well.
    Schuettpelz shoots from bwtween the circles but it went wide again! It was a clear goal-scoring opportunity!
    Richard Greer gets two minutes penalty for hooking and gives Australia another power-play.
    Goal for Team Scotland!
    ROSS MACKINTOSCH scores! Right spot at the right time, that is probably his motto as he appeared alone in front of the empty net.
    The Scots are shooting wide, no troubles for Goulds now.
    Both goaltenders are exceptionally good in the second half, Goulds made another important glove-save.
    Brian Wilkie now troubled the Australian defense with his pace, going twice alone against Goulds, but made nothing out of it.
    The Scots are defending better with only three players on the field.
    Mackintosh gets two minutes penalty, doubled power-play for Australia!
    ...but not even them can score without shooting.
    Schuettpelz and Baker on the field...

    Lukáš Kratochvíl

    Branky a nahrávky: 4. Mackintosh, 12. Wilkie B., 31. Mackintosch - 5. Stow (Schuettpelz), 9. Baker, 9. Beliveau, 13. Schuettpelz (Baker), 13. Adams, 15. Schuettpelz (Baker), 22. Beliveau (Baker), 24. Baker, 33. Schuettpelz (Baker), 36. Baker (Beliveau), 38. Antony (Adams), 40. Jahnssen (Schuettpelz)

    Scotland: Killen (Southwell) - Blackwood, Bruce, Fraser, Greer, Macdonald, Mackintosh, Nelson, Stuart, Tague, Walker Alan, Walker John, Wilkie Brian, Wilkie Malcolm
    Austrálie: Jeffrey (Goulds) - Adams, Antony, Archibald, Baker, Barker, Beliveau, Fall, Jahnssen, Matear, Modra, Schuettpelz, Stow, Voss

    Rozhodčí: Lastrucci, Duprat