Bermudy – Velká Británie 6:1 (kon.) | Řecko – Švýcarsko 2:0 (kon.) | Rakousko – USA 2:12 (kon.)
Maďarsko – Kajmanské ostrovy 0:7 (kon.) | Maďarsko – Kajmanské ostrovy 0:7 (kon.) | Česko – Kanada 2:2 (kon.)
Francie – Španělsko 7:5 (kon.) | Francie – Španělsko 7:5 (kon.) | Portugalsko – Německo 4:2 (kon.)
7:5 (3:0, 3:1, 1:4)
Úterý 21.06.2011, 18:00Mistrovství světa mužů
    Goal for Team Spain!

    We have a late drama here! ALBERT MARGARIT deflected a blue-line shot in!
    Goal for Team Spain!

    ALBERT MARGARIT scored another goal in quick session!
    Goal for Team Spain!

    It was RASTISLAV VITÁLOŠ's blue-line shot which ended in the net!
    Goal for Team France!

    But an instant replay one more time. JAROSLAV PROŠVIC found the ball in front of the goal and scored!
    Goal for Team Spain!

    CARLES BENITO rifled his blue-line shot in!
    Goal for Team France!

    It's raining goals! VLADIMÍR KONOPKA's blue-line shot ended in the net! Tavano will take a blame for that goal. Assisted by Francais Ballet and Marek Hanes.
    Goal for Team France!

    But an immediate response from the Frenchs. Ševčík found ALEXANDRE CAPET who was free and made Team Spain pay! Assisted by Daniel Ševčík and Vladimír Konopka.
    Goal for Team Spain!

    It was CARLES BENITO's beckhand shot which went in! Assisted by Martin Sivák.
    Goal for Team France!

    The power-play didn't last for too long as DANIEL ŠEVČÍK's shot whistled past Tavano! Assisted by Dimitri Bogus.
    Goal for Team France!

    And again it was JAROSLAV PROŠVIC whose shot went past Tavano! Assisted by Marek Hanes.
    Goal for Team France!

    JAROSLAV PROŠVIC completed his break-away with a nice deke! Assisted by Marek Hanes and Vladiír Konopka.
    Goal for Team France!

    MAREK HANES scored after Team France outnumbered their opponents! Assisted by Jaroslav Prošvic.

    Václav Baumann

    Branky a nahrávky: 4. Hanes (Prošvic), 10. Prošvic (Hanes, Konopka), 12. Prošvic (Hanes), 18. Ševčík (Bogus), 22. Capeta (Ševčík, Konopka), 23. Konopka (Ballet, Hanes), 38. Prošvic - 21. C. Benito (Sivák), 37. Benito, 40. Vitáloš, 40. Margarit, 43. Margarit

    Francie: Müller (Garcia Alvarez) - Konopka, Himler, Ballet, Slovák, Pfeiffer, Desbras, Proutat, Bogus, Perrot, Ševčík, E. Rouyer, Sauvage, Barre, Motreff, Capet, Dubois, C. Rouyer, Hanes, Prošvic, Štěpánek
    Španělsko: Tavano (P. De la Hoz) - Vitáloš, Fluvia, Sivák, Torrents, C. Benito, M. Benito, A. Benito, K. De la Hoz, Font, Margarit, Perez, Lopez, Sanchez, Torlay

    Rozhodčí: Krist (SVK), Koskuba (CZE)