Maďarsko – Velká Británie 10:2 (kon.) | Maďarsko – Velká Británie 10:2 (kon.) | Švýcarsko – Rakousko 8:2 (kon.)
Švýcarsko – Rakousko 8:2 (kon.) | Řecko – Maďarsko 0:4 (kon.) | Řecko – Maďarsko 0:4 (kon.)
Česko – USA 3:2 (kon.) | Česko – USA 3:2 (kon.) | Kanada – Slovensko 0:1 (kon.)
8:2 (2:0, 5:1, 1:1)
Čtvrtek 23.06.2011, 10:30Mistrovství světa žen
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    LILIAN SALM scores in the powerplay eight goal for Switzerland. Assisted by: Deborah-Valerie Cina, Drahomira Fialova.
    Goal for Team Austria!
    And they score. CHARLOTTE WITTICH and her second shot finds the upper corner od Locatelli's net.
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    There's a seventh goal on the other side clinched by LEANDRA PORTMANN. Assisted by: Leticia Tscherrig.
    Goal for Team Austria!
    First goal for Austria. CHARLOTTE WITTICH scores from the breakaway situation with a shot heading to the lower corner of the net. Assisted by: Marlene Brunner.
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    Sixth goal is scored by DRAHOMIRA FIALOVA. Assisted by: Deborah-Valerie Cina.
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    Five to nothing. LETICIA TSCHERRIG scores. Assisted by: Maulde Gaudin.
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    And right after there is a fourth goal scored by MARIE-EVE REVEY. Assisted by: Marylin Janjic.
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    Gradel took a shot from the point and DRAHOMIRA FIALOVA made a easy rebound. Assisted by: Barbara Gradel, Lilian Salm.
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    Successful rebound for JESSICA DARBELLAY. Assisted by: Deborah Valeri Cina, Drahomira Fialova.
    Goal for Team Switzerland!
    MAULDE GAUDIN scores the goal in the powerplay. She makes a rebound on a bouncing ball from the board located behind the net. Assisted by: Drahomira Fialova.

    Jan Hrbáček

    Branky a nahrávky: 7. Gaudin (Fialova), 10. Darbellay (Cina, Fialova), 18. Fialova (Gradel, Salm), 19. Revey (Janjic), 24. Tscherrig (Gaudin), 28. Fialova (Cina), 30. Portmann (Tscherrig), 38. Salm (Cina, Fialova) - 29. Wittich (Brunner), 35. Wittich

    Švýcarsko: Blaser (Locatelli) - Apotheloz, Berchtold, Cina, Grädel, Gänsslen, Müller, Steiner - Bracher, Bruttin, Fialova, Stoffel, Drabella, Gaudin, Janjic, Loretan Portmann, Rätz, Revey, Salm, Tscherrig.
    Rakousko: Gastgeber (Melcher) - Kness, Gram, Kienzer, Klemm, Ban, Krause, Oberleitner, Krainer, Adami, Brunner, Schwinghammer, Wittich.

    Rozhodčí: Bezo (SVK), Hollett (CAN)