Maďarsko – Španělsko 2:3 (po s.s.) | Maďarsko – Španělsko 2:3 (po s.s.) | Rakousko – Švýcarsko 5:4 (po pr.)
Kajmanské ostrovy – Hongkong 2:1 (kon.) | Kajmanské ostrovy – Hongkong 2:1 (kon.) | Finsko – Německo 4:3 (kon.)
Pákistán – Francie 6:5 (po pr.) | Pákistán – Francie 6:5 (po pr.) | Slovensko – Česko 0:2 (kon.)
Velká Británie – Bermudy 2:6 (kon.) | Velká Británie – Bermudy 2:6 (kon.) | Kanada – USA 6:5 (kon.)
po prodl.
6:5 (1:1, 2:1, 2:3 - -:-)
Sobota 25.06.2011, 15:00Mistrovství světa mužů
    Goal for Team Pakistan!
    USAMA MAHMOOD scores from left wing and his team wins the B-final! Tomorrow they will play against Team Switzerland for top division.
    Goal for Team France!
    Here we go! Drama is here! NICOLAS MOTREFF shoots to the empty net after another great combination!
    Goal for Team France!
    Frenchmen defeated whole Pakistan´s defense and DANIEL SEVCIK scores from place between circles! It will be a great drama!
    Goal for Team Pakistan!
    USAMA MAHMOOD fired from barrier and he stroke under the upper-bar.
    Goal for Team France!
    Short-handed goal was scored by MOTREFF. Unassisted.
    Goal for Team Pakistan!
    It could be a key moment of the game. USAMA MAHMOOD scored on rebound.
    Goal for Team France!
    VLADIMIR KONOPKA scored and Team France is back into today´s game!
    Goal for Team Pakistan!
    SAJJID AYUBI scores the third goal!
    Goal for Team Pakistan!
    USAMA MAHMOOD scores in own penalty killing. That´s a great pitty for Team France, Frenchmen are better than their opponent.
    Goal for Team France!
    FRANCIS BALLET sent a great shot and he equalized!! Unassisted.
    Goal for Team Pakistan!
    BUTAR BILAL runs into ofensive zone right after win in face-off and he beats Müller!

    Lucie Mužíková

    Branky a nahrávky: 4. Bilal, 21. Mahmood, 23. Ayubi, 36. Mahmood, 41. 4025, 46. Mahmood - 9. Ballet, 29. Konopka, 38. Motreff, 44. Sevcik, 45. Motreff

    Pákistán: Zaidi - I. Chaudry, A. Chaudry, Rash, Y. Azmi, A. Azmi, Y. Buttar, O. Buttar, B. Buttar, Kalair, Khan, Ayubi, Hussain, Hassan, Mohammed, Malik, Mallik, Baig, Seyd
    Francie: Müller (Garcia) - Konopka, Himler, Baller, Slovak, Pfeiffer, Desbras, Proutat, Perrot, Sevcik, Rouyer, Sauvage, Barre, Motreff, Capet, Dubois, Pouyer, Hanes, Prosvic, Stepanek.

    Rozhodčí: Koskuba (CZE), Delay (SUI)