Slovakia2 – Scotland 18:2 (kon.) | Austrálie – Italy veterans 2:6 (kon.) | Scotland – Czech Republic2 2:23 (kon.)
Italy veterans – xxx 7:2 (kon.) | France2 – Austrálie 8:1 (kon.) | xxx – Scotland 6:6 (kon.)
Italy veterans – Slovakia2 6:5 (kon.) | France2 – Czech Republic2 0:11 (kon.)
2:23 (2:10, 0:13)
Czech Republic2
Sobota 28.05.2011, 12:00MS v inline hokeji – kategorie Veteráni
    You don´t see that many goals often...Czechs show no mercy and scored from every chance they had. Scotland did not play particulary bad in the first half, but it simply was not enough to even make it difficult to their opponent. (13:13:26)
    The game is over.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    It has been another easy goal for JINDŘICH VACEK.
    The last minute of the match.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    Big cheer on Czech bench as KAREL KOLÍNSKÝ scores with a backhand shot!
    Wilkie tried a shot but misse. On the other side shows Southwell that he watched Hrachovina carefuly and makes the same interception.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    JIŘÍ SUHRADA from between the circles to the right post!
    Hrachovina shows some spectacular wotk with his stick! He intercepted three chances in a very short time!
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    Here we go, it is 20! TOMÁŠ SKRUŽNÝ scores!
    Time-out for team Czech Republic.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    That was a brilliant pass by Skružný, PETR VYKOUKAL only had to put his stick in the way of puck!
    And Southwell had to make a save and cover the puck- Face-off.
    It is Scotland who plays the power-play but i does not look like so.
    Southwell remained on the floor so Vacek shot the puck of the field but Southwell is ok. Vacek gets 2 minutes penalty for delaying the game.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    PETR VYKOUKAL did shoot this time and it is 18 for Czechs!
    Time-out for team Scotland.
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    Two-on-one by Skružný and Vykoukal, TOMÁŠ SKRUŽNÝ shot and scored!
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    And it is goal on the other side, IVO JINDRÁK with different trick but the same effect!
    Wilkie had a great chance! He went all alone against Hrachovina who did tip the puck out with hist stick!
    Goal for Team Czech Republic!
    Hrachovina pass the puck forward to ROMAN KALA who made a little turn in front of goalie and scored!

    Lukáš Kratochvíl

    Branky a nahrávky: 8. Mackintosch (Fraser), 14. Wilkie B. (Wilkie M.) - 4. Skružný, 6. Tomaštík (Joudal), 8. Würherle (Kala), 10. Joudal (Heřman), 13. Joudal (Heřman), 15. Tomaštík (Vacek), 17. Jindrák, 17. Tomaštík, 18. Vacek (Kala), 18. Joudal (Suhrada), 21. Kala, 21. Stehlík (Kala), 23. Heřman (Kolínský), 24. Mecera (Skružný), 26. Kala (Stehlík L.), 29. Jindrák (Heřman), 30. Skružný (Vykoukal), 30. Vykoukal (Jindrák, Skružný), 33. Vykoukal (Skružný), 34. Skružný (Vykoukal), 37. Suhrada (Kolínský), 39. Kolínský (Vykoukal, Jindrák), 40. Vacek (Kala, Würtherle)

    Scotland: Southwell (Killen) - Blackwood, Bruce, Fraser, Greer, Macdonald, Mackintosh, Nelson, Stuart, Tague, Walker Alan, Walker John, Wilkie Brian, Wilkie Malcolm.
    Czech Republic2: Hrachovina (Altrichter) - Heřman, Jindrák, Joudal, Kala, Kolínský, Mecera, Skružný, Stehlík, Vacek, Würtherle, Vykoukal, Odehnal, Suhrada, Tomaštík