Slovakia2 – Scotland 18:2 (kon.) | Austrálie – Italy veterans 2:6 (kon.) | Scotland – Czech Republic2 2:23 (kon.)
Italy veterans – xxx 7:2 (kon.) | France2 – Austrálie 8:1 (kon.) | xxx – Scotland 6:6 (kon.)
Italy veterans – Slovakia2 6:5 (kon.) | France2 – Czech Republic2 0:11 (kon.)
18:2 (7:0, 11:2)
Sobota 28.05.2011, 09:00MS v inline hokeji – kategorie Veteráni
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    PAVEL CHARVÁT scored last goal of this game.
    Goal for Team Scotland!
    ROSS MACKINTOSCH was powefull in the goal area and scored second goal of Scotia.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    Peter Jurenka found RADOVAN DACKO who scored his second goal of the game.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    VILIAM BILÍK was succesfull with an shot from left circle.
    Goal for Team Scotland!
    Most activ player of Scotland BRIAN WILKIE scored first goal of his team! He had a long snap shot from right side. Dovina made his save too late.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    MARIAN ŠTÁBEL shot a snap shot to the Southwells net.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    Franta passed puck to the alone PETER PODOBNÍK and he had no problem to aim well. It's his fourth goal.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    PETER PODOBNÍK completed his hattrick.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    ROMAN TRENČAN makes it 12:0!
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    Stábel found PETER JURENKA and he scored. Assist: Marian Štábel.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    After good combination scored PETER ŠULEK who was alone before Southwell.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    Captain MARIAN ŠTÁBEL continues with destroy of Scotland. He's completed hattrick.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    PETER PODOBNÍK skated near the Southwell net aim and hit the net well.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    Dacko passed puck to the free PETER JURENKA and he scored one-timer empty net goal. Assist: Radovan Dacko.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    MARIAN ŠTÁBEL hit the right post and puck ends at the net finally.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    Šulek shot to the board behind the net, puck went back before net and MILAN NOVOSEDLÍK scored comfortable. Assist: Peter Šulek.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    MARIAN ŠTÁBEL changed way of the shot very close before Killen between his legs. Assist: Roman Trenčan.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    PETER PODOBNÍK who scored six goals in yesterdays one game makes it 3:0. He was alone before Killen and had no problem to score.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    PETER JURENKA had a lot of time before Killen and shot to the right side.
    Goal for Team Slovakia!
    RADOVAN DACKO scores first todays goal. He skated to the place between circles (there was bad defence of Scotia) and shot near the right post.

    Tomáš Čekal

    Branky a nahrávky: 3. Dacko, 3. Jurenka, 4. Podobník, 10. Štábel (Trenčan), 13. Novosedlík (Šulek), 14. Štábel, 15. Jurenka (Dacko), 22. Podobník, 22. Štábel, 23. Šulek, 28. Jurenka (Štábel), 28. Trenčan, 29. Podobník, 30. Podobník (Franta), 34. Štábel, 37. Bilík, 39. Dacko (Jurenka), 40. Charvát - 34. Wilkie B., 39. Mackintosch

    Slovakia2: Dovina - Štábel (C), Franta, Charvát, Jurenka, Bilík, Dacko, Novosedlík, Pejchal, Podobník, Šulek, Trenčan, Vrábel.
    Scotland: Killen (from 21. Southwell) - Blackwood, Bruce, Fraser, Greer, Macdonald, Mackintosh, Nelson, Stuart, Tague, Walker Alan, Walker John, Wilkie Brian, Wilkie Malcolm.