Slovakia2 – Scotland 18:2 (kon.) | Austrálie – Italy veterans 2:6 (kon.) | Scotland – Czech Republic2 2:23 (kon.)
Italy veterans – xxx 7:2 (kon.) | France2 – Austrálie 8:1 (kon.) | xxx – Scotland 6:6 (kon.)
Italy veterans – Slovakia2 6:5 (kon.) | France2 – Czech Republic2 0:11 (kon.)
8:1 (6:0, 2:1)
Sobota 28.05.2011, 15:00MS v inline hokeji – kategorie Veteráni
    Goal for Team Australia!
    On a delayed penalty, MARK SCHUETTPELZ tapped in a puck that was loose in the goal crease. Assist: Rick Matear.
    Goal for Team France!
    France's captain, JEAN-YVES GERBEAU scores his 2nd, beating Goulds over the shoulder with a hard shot. Assist: Frederic Guiheux.
    Goal for Team France!
    PIERRE-YVES GERBEAU fires a wrist shot from the top of the circle off the post and in for France's 7th goal.
    Goal for Team France!
    EUGÈNE LÉVÊQUE gets his 2nd of the game to make it 6-0. France has scored 4 goals in 1:02. Assist: Laurent Johais.
    Goal for Team France!
    LAURENT JOHAIS gets his 1st of the game, just 31 seconds later. Assist: Leveque.
    Goal for Team France!
    JÉRÔME HOSTEIN quickly gets another goal for France. Assist: Frederic Guiheux.
    Goal for Team France!
    Herve Legallic hit the post, got his own rebound, and passed to LAURENT SPINETTI, who scored France's 3rd goal with Brooks out of position.
    Goal for Team France!
    LAURENT SPINETTI gets revenge on Brooks, and fires France's 2nd goal.
    Goal for Team France!
    EUGÈNE LÉVÊQUE took advantage of a bounce off the end boards and scored the first goal for France.

    Derek OBrien

    Branky a nahrávky: 7. Lévêque, 11. Spinetti, 18. Spinetti (Legallic), 18. Hostein (Guiheux), 19. Johais (Leveque), 19. Lévêque (Johais), 33. Gerbeau, 36. Gerbeau (Guiheux) - 40. Schuettpelz (Matear)

    France2: Voyneau - Collet, Crettenand, Garcia, Gerbeau, Guiheux, Hostein, Johais, Legallic, Leveque, Pasquier, Sergent, Spinnet.
    Austrálie: Goulds - Adams, Antony, Baker, Barker, Beliveau, Fall, Jahnssen, Matear, Modra, Schuettpelz, Stow, Voss

    Rozhodčí: Jilek, Würtherle